8:00-9:30 The Hidden Half
7:00 World Music Videos
7:30 World Music Videos
8:00 The Hidden Half
9:30 Hot Talk: Richard Falk
10:00 DW Journal
10:30 Mosaic: World News From The Middle East
11:00 Democracy Now!
12:00 Mayor of the West Side
1:00 World Music Videos
1:30 World Music Videos
2:00 The Hidden Half
3:30 Hot Talk: Richard Falk
4:00 DW Journal
4:30 Mosaic: World News From The Middle East
5:00 Strong at the Broken Places
6:00 Democracy Now!
7:00 Naji Al Ali: An Artist With a Vision
8:00 The Art of Amalia
9:30 Hot Talk: Frank Bardacke
10:00 DW Journal
10:30 Mosaic: World News From The Middle East
11:00 Strong at the Broken Places
12:00 Children of Shadows
1:00 Naji Al Ali: An Artist With a Vision
2:00 The Art of Amalia
3:30 Hot Talk: Frank Bardacke
4:00 DW Journal
4:30 Mosaic: World News From The Middle East
5:00 Strong at the Broken Places
6:00 Children of Shadows
Hot Talk: Frank Bardacke
Last Journey For the Leatherback?
In Focus: Positive Living
Democracy Now!
Mayor of the West Side
From the Heart of the Masters

A daily compilation of news reports from more than 15 countries in the Middle East including, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, and Iran, among others. This award-winning program shows what 280 million people across the Middle East watch on their own television sets, providing a unique insight into the diversity of perspectives in the region. To view a recent episode in streaming format, click here.

Litigating Disaster
This powerful film explores how Union Carbide successfully manipulated the US and Indian legal systems for twenty years to avoid having to defend its record in the Bhopal environmental disaster.
Hot Talk: Richard Falk
A discussion with Dr. Richard Falk, who discusses his book, “The Record of the Paper,” a critical look at the New York Times’ coverage of the planning and execution of the Iraq war.